As a small company but also and especially as a creator, digital marketing is at the center of our development and evolution as a brand. Our customers, our partners, our suppliers, everything happens on the networks. So, when everything changes and nothing is under control, there’s panic on board! Shadowbanning, drop in commitment, non-existent reach, obsolete content, how to stand up to «Instagram craze» ? Here are the 3 little tips from Yelli Jewels...
Don’t get discouraged
When you see all the efforts you have made over the years to build a community on Instagram going into the water, there is enough to want to give up, but DON’T GIVE UP. Remember your first steps on the Gram when you didn’t know much about it and look at how far you’ve come. You did it once, you can do it again!
Your strategy is falling apart? Set up a new one. You don’t know how to create real? Learn to do it! You’re not comfortable in front of the camera? Get used to it step by step. But don’t abandon the ship!
Asking for help
For now, you may not be able to do everything by yourself, and that is perfectly normal. You have to understand the new algorithm, review your content strategy, find innovative ideas, realize them, and all that is a lot of effort despite all the enthusiasm and goodwill that you can show. Then ask for help, from a specialist, other creators, your collaborators and even your loved ones who will be able to bring you perspective, new ideas and expertise.
Train yourself
If you do not want to ask for help, you can use another option: self-training! Today the online courses allow you to independently acquire new skills according to what you lack and wish to learn. Identify courses that fit your expectations and what you wish to Master about your social network. Digital marketing strategy, video editing, storytelling, you can pretty much learn anything online, so if it aligns with your needs GO FOR IT!